For the first time in its history, the Housatonic Community College (HCC) Student Art Show adopted an online-only format. Typically held in the school’s Burt Chernow Galleries each spring, the Art Department created an innovative virtual exhibition while the college’s campus is closed due to the COVID-19 crisis.
The show features over 75 paintings, drawings, pastels, digital images, sculpture, ceramics and more produced by 40 of HCC’s talented student artists, providing an opportunity for art to not only offer comfort but also a chance to come together.
“I could not believe the speed and enthusiasm of the students’ response to a virtual show,” said HCC Art Professor Tom Brenner. “It was like opening a floodgate. I quickly realized that it was not simply a matter of wanting their work displayed, but that the idea fulfilled a need for connecting with their friends and fellow students in HCC’s artistic community.”
While classes continue online at HCC, the students’ resolve to continue expressing their creativity during these uncertain times is extraordinary.
“I see the same spirit in my online class meetings and the students’ submission of projects, which are better than ever. It’s truly inspiring seeing the way in which everyone is facing this unprecedented challenge with undaunted spirit and creativity,” said Brenner.
“It’s great any time people can come together and share their artwork; it’s the best thing,” said second-year art student Luis Lopez of Stratford, whose favorite piece in the show is a portrait of his professor, entitled ‘Observationalist Portrait Of Andy Pinto’. “The assignment was to paint what your eye actually sees, and I get flares and eye floaters that look like flashing blue dots. The portrait has both elements and is true to what I really notice.”
“Now, more than ever, people need the arts,” said Dr. Thomas Coley, Acting President Housatonic Community College and Regional President, CSCU Shoreline-West. “The arts feed the soul, and this show is not only a testament to the talent of our students but also the commitment of our faculty. Bravo!”
To view the Housatonic Community College Virtual Student Art Exhibition, visit
Caption For Photo Above: Winter Premium, Olive Green by Jennifer Vargas

Caption For Photo Right: Observationalist Portrait Of Andy Pinto by HCC student, Luis Lopez

Caption For Photo Right: Peaches by HCC student, Luis Lopez

Caption For Photo Right: Self-portrait by HCC student, Aeemay Dabiran