09 Aug

Housatonic Community College Announces Course Offerings At Jonathan Law Satellite Featured

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In a continued effort to serve the educational needs of the greater Bridgeport area, Housatonic Community College (HCC) will offer a wide selection of courses at its satellite location at Jonathan Law High School, 20 Lansdale Avenue, Milford, Connecticut. With a broad schedule to choose from, students will have a convenient option for evening classes to earn college credit.

Since 1984, HCC has offered classes at Jonathan Law during the evening hours, taught by Housatonic staff. Classes cover the same material taught at Housatonic, and they offer the same three credits per class.

“Whether students take classes to prepare for college or further their college career, these course offerings make postsecondary education more accessible for those that live and work in the Milford area,” said Dr. Paul Broadie, President of Housatonic Community College. “We’re pleased to be working with the Milford Board of Education, Jonathan Law High School, and its principal, Francis Thompson.

HCC’s Fall 2019 course offerings include: Intro to Business, Principles of Macroeconomics, Principles of Microeconomics, Literature and Composition, U.S. History I, Introduction to Philosophy, Ethics, General Psychology and Elementary Spanish.

Monday classes will begin on August 28th, and Wednesday classes will start on September 9th, with all classes taking place in the evenings between the hours of 6:30 pm to 9:45 pm. For additional information contact Gail Stevens at or call (203) 332-5105.

Read 5708 times Last modified on Monday, 12 August 2019 14:34