This spring, Housatonic Community College will offer several courses at Jonathan Law High School in Milford. Classes will take place from 6:30 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays. The spring session offers classes for full college credit and/or two college preparatory classes, Intro to college writing and Elementary algebra foundations.
The courses being offered include:
Intro to Business |
Intro to Philosophy |
Principles of Macroeconomics |
General Psychology I |
Composition |
Child Psychology & Development |
Literature & Composition |
Human Sexuality |
Western Civilization I |
Elementary Spanish I |
Intermediate Algebra |
Since 1984, HCC has offered classes at Jonathan Law with no differences in the courses besides the location. “I’m pleased we’re continuing in this tradition.” Said HCC President Paul Broadie II, PhD.
Classes begin on Jan. 17, 2018 and registration can be completed at
For more information, please contact William Griffin at or at 203-332-5056.