HCC’s Family Economic Security Program (FESP) is a finalist for its national 2019 Bellwether Award

HCC alumn Jermaine Burke will be the alumni keynote speaker

At the Connecticut Community College 2019 Spring Elevator Pitch Competition for the Southern Conference, HCC students swept 1st, 2nd & 3rd place

Members of the HCC S.T.E.A.M. Club helped to create the world's largest 3-D printed duck at the 8th Annual Maker Faire Westport event

Each year, HCC receives generous grants from the government and private funders

On April 11th an opening reception for the HCC Student Art Exhibition 2019 was held at City Lights Gallery in Bridgeport.

Sixteen HCC students presented their products and services at the Student Entrepreneur Showcase

PTK Chapter President Caroline Steadham was named a New Century Transfer Pathway Scholar

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